Time wasters on the Web

They are the websites that lure you away from other activities — work, chores, exercise, eating, sleeping, etc. And while we’re neither accusing nor judging, we challenge you to browse through this collection of “time-wasting” sites and deny you’ve visited any.

Advanced warning: Some of these sites contain words and images that could be considered offensive.

They are the websites that lure you away from other activities — work, chores, exercise, eating, sleeping, etc. And while we’re neither accusing nor judging, we challenge you to browse through this collection of “time-wasting” sites and deny you’ve visited any.

Advanced warning: Some of these sites contain words and images that could be considered offensive.

iStock photos


Watch Cookie Monster chow down on your favorite sites.

OmNomNomify | www.omnomnomify.com

If you think Cookie Monster is satisfied with what's in the cookie jar, add this to your bookmarks bar, visit your favorite sites, engage OmNomNomify and watch Cookie Monster take over.


Texts From Dog shows what the world would be like if dogs had phones.

Texts From Dog | www.textfromdog.tumblr.com

If you have a dog, know a dog, or have even just seen a dog, this collection of hypothetical text messages sent from creator October Jones's dog will have you in stitches.


Unnecessary Quotes teases your desire for correct grammar.

Unnecessary Quotes | www.unnecessaryquotes.com

Are you a bit of a grammar fiend? Well brace yourselves for the grammatically incorrect but often hilarious world of unnecessary quotes.


Do Nothing for 2 Minutes provides much-needed relaxation.

Do Nothing for 2 Minutes | www.donothingfor2minutes.com

Take a break from the stresses of your day and literally do nothing for 2 minutes. You’ll feel refreshed and ready to take on the next challenge.


Uproxx covers the latest in pop culture.

Uproxx | www.uproxx.com

Want to read up on your favorite TV shows, movies, or music? Uproxx is a great place to read reviews and click to galleries to waste away your day.



Block tilt

Bloxorz | AddictingGames.com

This game is equally enthralling and infuriating, but serves its purpose of distracting you from every other task.



He just wants some attention

Liveinternet.ru | http://img0.liveinternet.ru/images/attach/c/5//3970/3970472_sprite154.swf

See, not all sharks are out to get you. This one just wants to follow you around your computer screen. If you get bored of the shark, try out this whale.



Mad at the T today?

#thembtaruinedmylife | thembtaruinedmylife.com

Commuting Bostonians, unite. You’re not alone in your frustrations. Get roped into perusing these photos and gifs of transportation woes and triumphs.



Do you know where this road is?

GeoGuessr | geoguessr.com

This new geography game lets you spend hours guessing the locations of mysterious landscapes from around the world.


The only magazine for pandas

Bored Panda | boredpanda.com

This website is “dedicated to showcasing the world’s most creative artworks, offbeat products and everything that’s really weird or wonderful” — like panda bears!


What if Seinfeld were still on the air?

@seinfeldtoday | twitter.com/SeinfeldToday

@seinfeldtoday tweets will let you imagine the situations Kramer, George, Elaine, and Jerry would get themselves into nowadays, like, “TMZ mistakenly reports that Jerry is near death. Newman is their anonymous source. “This says I’m dead, but I’m relatively sure I’m alive.”


It's always snowing somewhere

SnowDays| snowdays.me

Get creative and make your own perfect snowflake.


Life just sucks sometimes

@FirstWorldPains| twitter.com/FirstWorldPains

Life isn’t easy in a first world country. Sometimes your pomegranate shampoo smells more like watermelon. These tweets will remind you all the reasons life can be tough.

Harold M. Lambert/ Getty


Viral images at your fingertips

imgur | imgur.com

No longer will you have to scour the net for what everyone else is clicking, imgur ranks all the viral images on the Web and sorts them by popularity.


Dorky cartoons

xkcd | xkcd.com

Your new home for webcomics of romance, sarcasm, math, and language.


Don’t drop the golden monkey!

Totem Destroyer | armorgames.com

Employ your physics skills to destroy the totem while keeping the idol safe.


Burst those bubbles

Touch the Bubbles 3 | armorgames.com

Touch all the bubbles while avoiding the red obstacle in each level.


Game disguised as an Excel worksheet

Excit! | kongregate.com

This game is simple: move the high-speed cursor to the green goal without letting it fly off the screen. Bouns feature: no need to minimize when your boss comes by!


When you just need a wet shoulder to cry on

Calming Manatee| calmingmanatee.com

These manatees stop just short of bringing over a pint of Ben & Jerry’s.


Because wasting your time can also be productive

Free Rice| freerice.com

This site donates 10 grains of rice to world hunger for every word game you play.


Because self-important tweets deserve recognition

Tweeting Too Hard | tweetingtoohard.com

Have a look into some very big egos via Twitter.


Awwwwww, so cute

Emergency Cute Stuff| emergencycutestuff.com

Oh were you bored at work? Feeling down? Now you've got a cute animal overload! You can also follow something similar @EmergencyPuppy


Who’s a funny dog?

Upside Down Dogs| upsidedowndogs.com/

Think dogs are cute as they are? Well looking at them upside down will take hours off your workday.


Nostalgia, anyone...?

I’m Remembering!| imremembering.com

Images and clips that will bring back childhood memories—whether they occurred in the ’60s, ’70s, ’80s, or ’90s. Does the mention of MTV make you think of “Singled Out”? “Remote Control”? Actual music videos? Then waste some time here.


Just funny pictures

Imgur| imgur.com

This site keeps track of the most viral images of the day and gathers them to enable a truly satisfying time-wasting experience. Some are photos that stand on their own, others have funny text added.


It's a dog-gone shame

Dog Shaming| dogshaming.com

Has your pooch misbehaved? Let the world know by submitting a picture of him or her with a sign detailing their shortcomings. More of a cat person? Check out catshaming.tumblr.com.


Get your meme on

Slow Robot| slowrobot.com

Got a spare minute (or 60?) Head to Slow Robot and check out its massive and constantly updated collection of funny, cute, and thought-provoking pictures from around the Web.


Feast your eyes

Why You’re Fat| whyyourfat.tumblr.com

Food porn at its finest: Sit back and drool at endless high-resolution photos of some of the most delicious-looking treats ever photographed (and in the #instafood age, that’s saying something).


A new match.com

The Smoking Gun | thesmokinggun.com/time-waster

The Smoking Gun brings a fun, new meaning to match.com. In this match game, your time will be well spent matching assault arrestees to their alleged weapon. There are new games every Friday.



Refresh for a chuckle

iFunny | ifunny.mobi

This time waster is short and sweet. It offers a new meme with every refresh.



Draw with dominos!

Drawminos | www.drawminos.com/

Choose from site favories like “Turtle,” pictured, or “Wassup.” If you’re feeling creative and got time on your hands, build your own and watch your masterpiece embody the domino effect.



McKayla ‘Is Not Impressed’ with anything

McKayla is not impressed | mckaylaisnotimpressed.tumblr.com

US gymnast McKayla Maroney was not impressed with her silver medal at London 2012 Olympics. Thanks to the power of Photoshop, visitors to the Tumblr site “McKayla is not impressed” will see Maroney making that same face at the the picture of the first man in the moon.



Six degrees of ... ?

LivePlasma | liveplasma.com

If you need to find some new music or a movie to watch, this may be your place. Enter the name of an artist or flick, and see a bunch of similar items pop up.



Another bathroom break?

Do Nothing for 2 Minutes | donothingfor2minutes.com

Do you need a legitimate excuse to stare off into space? You’ve found one here. Make the slightest movement with your mouse, though, and you’ve failed.



Random funny signs

Safety Graphic Fun | juliasmexicocity.typepad.com

Everything you never wanted to know about random signs that really exist. If you run into one, you can add to the site.



Be part of yearbooks from the decades

Yearbook Yourself | yearbookyourself.com

Place your face in a classic school Portrait or Student Life group photo, or stake your claim to the “Best Hair” or “Class Clown” crown from the new Most Likely to... collection. Place your face in a classic school Portrait or Student Life group photo, or stake your claim to the “Best Hair” or “Class Clown” crown from the new Most Likely to... collection.


Combine your love of music and tacos

Album Tacos | albumtacos.tumblr.com

See how others have snuck tacos into their favorite album covers in the archive or better yet, waste more time by submitting your own delicious album cover.

The New York Times


Another way to waste time

I waste so much time | iwastesomuchtime.com

It couldn’t be more obvious. Want to waste time? Check out this aptly named website, which is guaranteed to waste your time.



When it’s time to ‘unfriend’ your parents

My parents joined Facebook | myparentsjoinedfacebook.com

Congratulations! Your parents just joined Facebook. Your life is officially over.

Yoon S. Byun/Globe Staff


About that note you left...

Passive-agressive notes | passiveaggressivenotes.com

Funny (if not necessarily “passive-aggressive”) notes from angry people.

Peter Macdiarmid/Getty Images


For all you grammar geeks out there

Missed typos | funnytypos.com

A website dedicated to mocking the language-challenged.


All of life’s epic failures

This will make you shake your head | failblog.org

Readers share images of things that just didn’t work out for one reason or another.



Start a chain reaction

Boomshine | bored.com

Try to start a chain reaction to pop all the bubbles. Look easy? Less than 4 percent of all players beat level 12.


Condescending Wonka

@WonkaTweets | twitter.com/#!/WonkaTweets

Warnings: Profanity, sexual content, offensive comments

Vicariously condescend through a Willy Wonka parody account.

The New York Times


Celebrities being funny

Funny or Die | funnyordie.com

This Will Ferrell website produces funny videos with famous people. Vote “Funny” and it stays. Vote “Die” and it goes. Don’t forget your headphones.

ctoria Will/Associated Press


‘...borne back ceaselessly into the past.’

Great Gatsby for NES | greatgatsbygame.com

Question: What happens when an F. Scott Fitzgerald novel meets the original Nintendo Entertainment System?Answer: Time waster.



The (moving) pictures do the talking

#Whatshouldwecallme | whatshouldwecallme.tumblr.com

User-submitted animated GIF files that express a personal event or emotion... but don’t exactly have a name.



More news than you can bear

Fluffington Post | thefluffingtonpost.com

Fake news stories about cute, furry animals = winning time waster.



Putting Excel to use.

GraphJam | graphjam.memebase.com

You’ve thought it, and someone else has probably graphed it. Check out productivity at its best and submit your own.



It’s easier than it looks...

Virtual Rubik’s Cube | novelgames.com

If you can’t exactly pick up and give the cube on your desk a spin while at work, give this one a shot. It’ll keep your brain sharp.


Gotta beat the clock...

Sporcle | sporcle.com

Put your trivia night knowledge to use with over 265,000 quizzes and games. Can you name all 50 states, spelled correctly, in 10 minutes? What about three letter body parts? Corporate logos? Europe’s countries by the second letter?



Thank you, Captain Obvious

Safety Graphic Fun | juliasmexicocity.typepad.com

If they had to put a sign up, someone has to have done it.



But where are the little yellow tickets?

Online Skee-Ball | online-games-zone.com

Real-life Skee-Ball is making a comeback of sorts, with actual leagues forming. If you can’t get to you nearest old-school arcade, there’s always the online option.



We’re gonna need a bigger boat

New York Shark | newgrounds.com

You’re a shark and you’re taking a bite out of the Big Apple. Game on.



Time to waste? Make a meme

MemeMaker | mememaker.net

Recipe: One part photo, one part snarky words. Stir.



Well, I don’t like to brag, but...

@Humblebrag | twitter.com/#!/humblebrag

Tweets that seem to be self-deprecating... but are actually the tweeters’ proclamations of their own awesomeness. Unleash the egos!



OK, it’s not actually ‘Stuff’ that Siri says

S*** That Siri Says | Link

Yes, there’s a swear word in the name of the site, so, don’t click through if you don’t want to see it.

That being said, this site is outlining the sometimes contentious relationships some iPhone users are having with their Siri programs.



What’s a’ happenin’, hot stuff?

Sixteen Candles Bunnies | sixteencandlesbuns.asp

Maybe you don’t have the time to watch the entire classic ’80s teen comedy “Sixteen Candles.” Maybe you prefer movies being reduced to 30 seconds in length — and played by bunnies. If so, here you go.



Was that so hard...?

Let me Google that for you | lmgtfy.com

Possibly passive-aggressive, certainly snarky, Let me Google that for you is a perfect response for those times when someone asks you a question they could have looked up themselves. Just enter the keywords they should have entered, and you can then send them a link to a personalized demonstration on the joys of Googling.



Pun-haters—look away

Pun of the day | punoftheday.com

Some people love a good pun. Others are thrown into fits of rage. Figure out where you stand, then either visit — or don’t visit — Pun of the day.



Sadly, there’s no greeter when you log on ...

People of Walmart | peopleofwalmart.com

This one is kind of mean — but it’s a very popular time-wasting site. A humorous look at life inside the biggest of the big-box stores.



An apostrophe apocalypse

Apostrophe Catastrophes | apostrophecatastrophes.com

As in the previous example, spelling and grammar mistakes seem to be a favorite theme of time wasters. This site is dedicated to the all-too common practice of putting apostrophes where they don’t belong and omitting them where they’re needed.



Get a (second) life

Second Life | secondlife.com

If there was a Time Wasters Hall of Fame, Second Life would be a first-ballot inductee. It’s a virtual world with its own currency. Many Second Life users devote significant hours every week working at actual jobs on the site that enable them to buy clothes, homes, furniture, and other treats for their avatars.



Time waster — or the next big thing?

Pinterest | pinterest.com

It’s called an “online pinboard,” requires an invitation from a friend in order to join, and depending on who you talk to, might or might not be a threat to social networking giants Facebook and Twitter.



It’s kind of like Mad magazine — only different

Cracked.com | cracked.com

Back in the dark ages, before the Internet, one of the ways people amused themselves was by reading monthly humor magazines. This site is the descendant of one such magazine, Cracked. Just as the old mag did, Cracked.com doles out generous portions of satire, lampooning popular figures and topics of the day.



Very funny

Funny ads | veryfunnyads.com

Spend hours laughing out loud watching this extensive collection of hilarious commercials. You can search by category, see ads too hot for TV, and rate them.



Cats, the musical

Jamming kitties | procatinator.com

Take a cute cat, fun music, and dub the cat’s movements to the beat and you’ve got the purr-fect distraction. Seriously, prepare to laugh and jam along to this feline musical mashup.



Well, that must be frustrating

If at first your don’t succeed... | trextrying.tumblr.com

Poor T-Rex, he just can’t seem to catch a break. No matter what he does, so many things are just out of reach.



Let’s strip

As in comic strips | stripgenerator.com

Give in to your creative side by creating your very own comic strip.



Mmmm... that’s delicious

A foodie paradise | tastespotting.com

These mouthwatering food photos will leave you salivating in your seat. Thankfully, there are recipes included, so you can make the dishes on your own. Warning: If you are on a diet, you may want to stay away.



‘Do a barrel roll...!’

A Google trick | google.com

You may have already heard about this, but it’s still fun. Just go to the Google search bar and start typing: Do a barrel roll. Do it. It’s cool — well, it’s cool if you’re into old-school home video game consoles like the SNES, and the classic game “Star Fox” — or if you just like doing barrel rolls (and come on, who doesn’t like doing barrel rolls?)



Hit the music

Keyboard Cat | playhimoffkeyboardcat.com

A feline who appears to have some piano skills, Keyboard Cat became famous for showing up at the end of certain “fail” videos, and has since grown into a web star.




CUTE Roulette | cuteroulette.com

Shamelessly adorable video clips of animals. Wicked cute.



Taking it a step further...

Patently Silly | patentlysilly.com

More home-grown inventions that have actual patents issued by the US Patent and Trademark Office.



That’s better...

There, I Fixed It | thereifixedit.failblog.org

Sometimes do-it-yourself isn’t a great idea, but don’t tell that to these inventors.



Someone, somewhere, has done something worse

I don’t feel stupid anymore | www.funtoxin.com

Breathe a sigh of relief for yourself. Someone actually left a purse hanging from the external car mirror. #Fail.



For Tetris (and NES) fans

First-person Tetris | firstpersontetris.com

A cool, unique, and nostalgic revisiting of the old-school home video game.



When you care enough to hit send

E-cards for all occasions | someecards.com

Send birthday wishes, condolences, or happy thoughts to someone special. Or just browse for kicks and giggles because these aren’t just any e-cards.



No frowns allowed

Share a smile | littleabout.com

Pictures and images that are sure to brighten up your day.



‘Mom, please. You’re embarrassing me.’

When parents text | whenparentstext.com

Celebrating the relationships with parents that have been complicated by T-9 and large thumbs.



Up close and personal

A closer look | slightlywarped.com Digusting or interesting? See for yourself by taking a closer look at everyday objects pictured under an electron microscope.

Pictured: Toothbrush bristles



Humor me that

Cracked | cracked.com

Pictures about the 36 worst action figures make up just one list compiled on this humor and video website.

Pictured: April O’Neil’s Boss (from Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles)



Just for fun

9Gag | 9gag.com

Best known for recurring use of Internet memes.



Did I really send that text?

Texts From Last Night | textsfromlastnight.com

Vulgar, but very funny, Texts From Last Night is a searchable collection of texts that senders might regret (or not remember) firing off when the “morning after” rolls around.

Area code is one of the criteria users can search.



Will they ever re-think that whole auto correct thing?

Damn You, Auto Correct | damnyouautocorrect.com

Warnings: Profanity, sexual content, offensive comments.

Who knew back when phone providers first started assisting texters with an auto-fix feature that it would spawn a website filled with user-submitted examples of just how funny misplaced auto corrects can be?



Think your life’s bad... read these

FMyLife | fmylife.com

Warnings: Profanity, sexual content, offensive comments.

A categorized gathering of people venting about their messed-up lives, FMyLife (yeah, that’s what it means), is that magical mix of sad and hysterical.



‘Learnin’ about Cuba ... havin’ some food...’

MovieClips | movieclips.com

When you want to watch a particular scene from a favorite film, this is a good first site to try. We had no trouble locating a crystal-clear clip of Jeff Spicoli ordering a pizza during Mr. Hand’s class.




Overheard in New York | overheardinnewyork.com

Warnings: Profanity, sexual content, offensive comments.

Ah, the sounds of the Big Apple....all neatly gathered onto one very funny site.
