Ten things you might not know about the city of Boston

Students from around the globe, welcome to Boston. During your time here, you'll come to recognize that this great city possesses many myths in addition to ingrained characteristics that fill Bostonians with pride. It may take some getting used to, but you'll soon learn that the T doesn't run all night and that Cheers isn’t exactly "Cheers." Beyond that, here are 10 more things you might not know about Boston.David L Ryan / Globe Staff Photo

Students from around the globe, welcome to Boston. During your time here, you'll come to recognize that this great city possesses many myths in addition to ingrained characteristics that fill Bostonians with pride. It may take some getting used to, but you'll soon learn that the T doesn't run all night and that Cheers isn’t exactly "Cheers." Beyond that, here are 10 more things you might not know about Boston.