Norwood police say they stopped a man who was driving more than 100 miles per hour in a 45-mile-per-hour zone on busy Route 1 Friday night.
The man, who was pulled over at around 10 p.m. Friday, told police that he was using one hand to drive and one hand to capture video of his speedometer to show how fast his car could go to potential buyers, said Norwood Police Officer Kevin Grasso.
Police said the driver, whose name was not released, acknowledged that he knew he was being pulled over for speeding and that he was going âœat least a buckâ (100 miles per hour).
The driver is being summonsed to court on charges of speeding, impeded operation, and reckless operation, Norwood police said in a statement posted on their Facebook page.
The departmentâ™s item about the incident was titled âœFile Under Speeders Say the Darnedest Things.â
âœNow more than ever: Drive Defensively â“ Watch Out for the Other Guy,â the Facebook posting said.
In an apparent reference to the fines the man may have to pay after his court appearance, the posting said, âœThe asking price of the vehicle may go up accordingly.â
Melissa can be reached at or on Twitter @Melissa__Hanson