It's self-help review time.
Here's how it works, for those who don't know:
Every six months, I post a list of the self-help and relationship books that have been sent to me by publishers. You request the books, and I send them out, first-come, first-served. The catch is that if you get a book, you have to review it for us.
If you want one of the books listed below, e-mail me (meregoldstein at gmail dot com), and put "BOOK!" in the subject line. Tell me which book you want and I'll do my best to get it to you. I have one copy of each book, so move fast.
You'll have until early October to read your book and write a two-sentence summary of the most important thing you learned from it. You can be critical, complimentary, or snarky. I just want to hear about the book and how it might help our community. Our intern, who complied this list, will choose her favorite review, and the winner will be sent a tiny prize.
If you don't hear from me in a day or two, assume your book was snagged by someone else.
- Meredith
The books:
"Beyond Soul Mates: Open Yourself to Higher Love Through the Energy of Attraction," Cyndi Dale.
"How to Be an Adult in Love: Letting Love in Safely and Showing it Recklessly," David Richo.
"Love Him or Leave Him, But Don't Get Stuck with the Tab," Loni Love
"It's Your Move: How to Play the Game and Win the Man," Nick Savoy
"Bedded Bliss: A Couple's Guide to Lust Ever After," Kristina Wright
"WTF Are Men Thinking?: Surprising Answers (from Thousands of Men) Women Won’t Want to Miss," Christopher Brya and Miguel Almaraz
"The Five Flirting Styles: Use the Science of Flirting to Attract the Love You Really Want," Jerry A. Hall, Ph.D.
"Love @ First Click: The Ultimate Guide to Online Dating," Laurie Davis
"Happily Ever After: A Light-Hearted Guide to Wedded Bliss," Jane Fearnley-Whittingstall
"The Geek's Guide to Dating," Eric Smith
"Cheat: A Man's Guide to Infidelity," Bill Burr, Joe DeRosa, and Robert Kelly
"The 7 Minute Marriage Solution," Stephen Arterburn
"I Only Want to Get Married Once: The 10 Essential Questions for Getting it Right the First Time," Chana Levitan, MSc
"Modern Dating: A Field Guide," Chiara Atik
"The 30-Day Love Detox: Cleanse Yourself of Bad Boys, Cheaters, and Commitment Phobes -- And Find Your Perfect Relationship," Dr. Wendy Walsh
"Not Your Mother's Rules: The New Secrets for Dating," Ellen Fein and Sherrie Schneider
"How to Get Out of the Friend Zone: Turn Your Friendship into a Relationship," Jet and Star, the Wing Girls
"How to Fall Out of Love" (Second Edition), Deborah Phillips with Robert Judd
"The Secrets of Body Language: An Illustrated Guide to Knowing What People Are Really Thinking and Feeling," Philippe Turchet
"Why Men Fake it: The Totally Unexpected Truth About Men and Sex," Dr. Abraham Morgentaler
"Smitten: The Way of the Brilliant Flirt," Ariel Kiley and Simone Kornfeld
"The Book of Love," Dr. Laura Berman
"The Truth About Men: The Secret Side of the Opposite Sex," Ian K. Smith M.D.
"I Saw Your Future and He's Not It: A Psychic's Guide to True Love," Louis Helene with Kim Osborn Sullivan, PhD.
"Mixed-Up Love: Relationships, Family, and Religious Identity in the 21st Century," Jon M. Sweeney and Michal Woll
"The Two Truths About Love: The Art and Wisdom of Extraordinary Relationships," Jason B. Fischer
"The Remarriage Blueprint: How Remarried Couples and Their Families Succeed or Fail," Maggie Scarf