(Globe file photo/Barry Chin)
The huge Norwood estate of car dealer Ernie Boch Jr. has drawn the attention of the Wall Street Journal, which offers some eye-popping details about the home that has annoyed some neighbors and drawn coverage in the Globe over the years.
The numbers, as reported by the Journal: the brick mansion is 16,000 square feet on six acres. It has, amazingly, $5-million in electronics equipment.
"There are 300 speakers and 70 security cameras on the property, and a system where everything (lights, heat, music) can be controlled through 15 tablets and screens scattered throughout the house,'' the Journal reports. "Mr. Boch is particularly proud of his three highly organized mechanical rooms, which are packed with servers, with everything labeled and color coded. He says constant maintenance is the key to a successful house (and business) and the mechanical rooms are a reflection of how the house is run.''
The Journal's slideshow is here.
In 2010, the Globe reported that Boch settled a lawsuit with a neighbor who had complained about the removal of trees on his property. He bought the neighbor's home for $700,000. Since moving there in 1997, he has expanded his estate by purchasing smaller homes around it, the Globe's Emily Sweeney reported.