Canning craft beer is no longer a novel concept, but an accepted reality. When Oskar Blues in tiny Lyons, Colo., first packaged its Dale’s Pale Ale in a can, it was considered an anomaly, a funny deviation from the norm, like Guinness’s nitrogen widget. Since that landmark decision in 2002, more than 300 other craft breweries have joined in the practice, with purists like Jim Koch at Sam Adams preaching the benefits of aluminum. Industry insider, is even calling 2013 the “year of cans,” as sales are projected to double and an annual beer fest in Arizona has been conceived in its honor. By now, you’ve probably heard of the detrimental effect of harsh UV lighting on brown and green bottles, but as consumers it’s just enough to know that cans are light and portable, they’re perfect for any outdoor fun, and they keep your suds much, much colder. After scouring the competition, we’ve put together a list of the 15 best selections available in Boston.
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