Turn Off the Video Games and Turn On Your Kid's Creativity

What do you see? Two little girls and a pug perched on a wall of boulders? Wrong. That's an ice cream stand in it's third season of business.

1. Creativity comes from constraints. Overloading our homes and yards with toys can have a crippling effect on our children's imaginations. I love playhouses, but when I see elaborate ones filled with so much stuff — even electronics — I wonder if it's more for the adults than the child.

Give your child the raw materials of play — in your yard or at a park — and watch imagination take over. When I was 6 or 7, on a visit to the beach, I made a tiny house from driftwood, sand, beach glass and dune grass. I played by myself for a blissful hour and, clearly, still remember it today.

The roots of trees are another wonderful foundation for the young home builder.