Ortiz still upset over umpiring but has moved on

BALTIMORE - David Ortiz was still upset by the ball/strikes called by umpire Tim Timmons which led to a dugout tirade, but said "that's in the past now."

Ortiz said he did not plan to say anything to Timmons before the game, but welcomes any dialogue Timmons might have with him especially an "I missed the call" statement, but Ortiz said he didn't expect it.

Ortiz said if Timmons had done what he did with Ryan Dempster and admitted he blew a pitch, then none of this would have happened. Ortiz got angrier when Timmons allegedly told him he did not miss the 3-0 pitch that was head-high that he called a strike. Ortiz also thought the second pitch was out of the zone, and then he struck out.

"They (Orioles) were trying to walk me," Ortiz said. "Why didn't the umpire know that?"

Ortiz did not address the tantrum he took on the dugout phone, which was replaced this morning. Ryan Demspter and Jonny Gomes actually had some fun with the situation. As the casing on the phone was being replaced, Dempster and Gomes hooked up a couple of soup cans with strings and started dialogue.

"Can you hear me now?" Dempster said through the tin can. "Think we have it under control now. Let's go to the bullpen and fix that one."

Ortiz thought the team was picking up the tab for the damaged phone, but he didn't know for sure.

Major League Baseball was reviewing the incident today. John Farrell didn't think there would be a suspension.