A water gun fight to battle the heat

The 6th annual Water Gun Fight hosted by Banditos Misteriosos took place in Cambridge Common Park on July 20. More than 100 community members gathered to battle for their favorite season in a colorful and watery display of allegiance.

Cambridge Common Park provided a great location for a water battle.

The 6th annual Water Gun Fight hosted by Banditos Misteriosos took place in Cambridge Common Park on July 20. More than 100 community members gathered to battle for their favorite season in a colorful and watery display of allegiance.

Cambridge Common Park provided a great location for a water battle.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Things got heated, or cooled off, while attendees battled for their favorite season.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


People wore blue to show their support for the winter season.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Everywhere one looked, someone was getting soaked.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


While umbrellas seemed like a good idea, many people viewed them as a challenge

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


People wore red to show that autumn was their favorite season.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Even when backed into corners, attendees continued to fight.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


There was plenty of horsing around at the 2013 Water Gun Fight.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Many members wore yellow to argue that in spite of the heat, summer is the best.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Attendees brought water guns, bottles of water, water balloons, and other water weapons for the battle.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Attendees had to constantly keep an eye out for any water ambushes.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


People wore green to show their solidarity with spring.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


: Some members of the autumn group teamed up to more effectively attack opponents.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Eventually, teams began to turn on one another.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Some fighters opted to wear protective eye gear during the battle.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Uncle Sam showed no mercy.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


This winter supporter took his costume to an all-new and unique level.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Winter lovers may have missed snow, but they made up for it with bubbles.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


A couple members of the autumn clan laughed as they shot their victims with water.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Although some of the supporters were rather small, they were still to be feared.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


The king of winter took a few shots straight to the face.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Unfortunately, helmets do little to protect against blasts of water.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent


Attendees gathered in a huddle for one last hurrah.

Samantha Laine/Your Town Correspondent