MSPCA officials released photos of some of the cats they hope will be adopted. Because the adopt-a-thon coincides with the Fourth of July, the photos have a patriotic theme. Pictured above: Betsey is a 10 year old Calico cat.
During the first two weeks of July, fees will be waived for the adoption of cats that are nine years or older from MSPCA centers in Jamaica Plain, Methuen and Centerville.
The “Declare Your Love” adopt-a-thon runs from July 1 to 14, officials said.
The goal of the campaign is to find homes for the organization’s 30-plus senior cats.
“Kittens are irresistible and generally spend less time in our adoption centers before they are taken home – but senior cats, many of whom are surrendered because their older care takers have died or are too ill to care for them, can spend much more time in a setting that is unlike anything they’ve ever known,” said a statement from Jean Weber, director of animal protection for the MSPCA-Angell center in Jamaica Plain.
“It’s also important to remember that cats routinely live upwards of 20 years or more so these cats have plenty of life left in them,” she said.
The organization has a page on its website with details on adoptable cats and related information.
The adoption fee for cats is normally $95.
The adopt-a-thon campaign is funded by the Ivan Smith Adoption Challenge, which is designed to educate people about the variety of adoptable animals available at the MSPCA and to support adoption promotions.
“Senior cats make wonderful low-pressure pets for individuals and families because most have already lived in a home – often with other pets – and their personalities and habits are fully established,” the MSPCA said in a statement. “The ‘Declare Your Love’ adoptathon kicks off during a time of year when older cats languish in animal shelters, passed over for the many kittens available during the summer months.
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MSPCA officials released photos of some of the cats they hope will be adopted. Because the adopt-a-thon coincides with the Fourth of July, the photos have a patriotic theme. Pictured above: Boots is the youngest of the senior cats having just recently turned 9 years old.
MSPCA officials released photos of some of the cats they hope will be adopted. Because the adopt-a-thon coincides with the Fourth of July, the photos have a patriotic theme. Pictured above: Cleo is 9 years old.
MSPCA officials released photos of some of the cats they hope will be adopted. Because the adopt-a-thon coincides with the Fourth of July, the photos have a patriotic theme. Pictured above: Cosmo is 12 years old.
MSPCA officials released photos of some of the cats they hope will be adopted. Because the adopt-a-thon coincides with the Fourth of July, the photos have a patriotic theme. Pictured above: Kashi is 9.
MSPCA officials released photos of some of the cats they hope will be adopted. Because the adopt-a-thon coincides with the Fourth of July, the photos have a patriotic theme. Pictured above: Precious is 11.
MSPCA officials released photos of some of the cats they hope will be adopted. Because the adopt-a-thon coincides with the Fourth of July, the photos have a patriotic theme. Pictured above: Shera is 10.